OleumFlex brosura – engl – sa certifikatom.indd
As the representatives of the company China Petroleum Technology & Development Corp. (CPTDC) for Southeastern Europe, owned 100 % by the largest national company for the oil industry, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), we can offer equipment and materials of the highest quality, and maintenance services for oil and servicing companies for their projects. Based on the long-time experience and quality of the manufacturers in the CNPC group, we can offer you a complete assortment of products and equipment for “upstream” and “downstream”, “offshore” and “onshore”, according to the API, ASME, GOST standards and some of them are mentioned here:

Drilling Rigs, Workover Rigs, BOP, Beam Pumping units, Sucker Rod, Welhead & Christmas Trees, Casing, Tubing, Drill Pipe, Drill Colar, Kelly Bar, Non Magnetic Drill Colar, Heavy Weight Drill Pipe, Line Pipes, Stabilizers, Down Hole Motors, Mud pumps, Handling Tools, Exploration equipment, Oil eld Chemicals, Refinning Equipment and Additives, Power units...

OleumFlex brosura – engl – sa certifikatom.indd
The company Paparelli Alessandro e Figlio started producing pipes and well screens in the 1950-s. Today, Paparelli places 35 % of their products on the Italian market, and the remaining 65 % is placed on the European, Asian, African and South American markets.
Paparalli produces everything necessary to form a line: casing, spiral screens, bridge sloted screens, simple sloted screens and additional equipment (such as collars, flanges, reductions, centralizers, caps etc.)

The casing and screens are made from tin between 3 and 10 mm thickness, with a minimum diameter of 114 mm.Materials are carbon steel (FE 37 – FE 52), black or galvanized and stainless steel (304, 304L, 316, 316L).

The selection of the material depends on the purpose of the line (potable water, drainage, desalinization, spa and pools, industry, research etc.), on the geological situation, the power conditions for drilling, the chemical aggression of water and on corrosion.

oprema za bušenje

oprema za bušenje


Kao zastupnici tvrtke China Petroleum Technology & Development Corp. (CPTDC) za jugoistočnu Europu, koja je u 100 % vlasništvu najveće državne tvrtke za naftnu industriju China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) možemo ponuditi najkvalitetniju opremu i materijal te održavanje naftnim i servisnim tvrtkama za njihove projekte.

Na osnovi dugogodišnjeg iskustva i kvalitete proizvođača u grupaciji CNPC nudimo kompletan asortiman proizvoda i opreme za „upstream“ i „downstream“, „offshore“ i „onshore“ prema API, ASME, GOST standardima i navodimo samo neke od njih:

Drilling Rigs, Workover Rigs, BOP, Beam Pumping units, Sucker Rod, Welhead & Christmas Trees, Casing, Tubing, Drill Pipe, Drill Colar, Kelly Bar, Non Magnetic Drill Colar, Heavy Weight Drill Pipe, Line Pipes, Stabilizers, Down Hole Motors, Mud pumps, Handling Tools, Exploration equipment, Oil eld Chemicals, Refinning Equipment and Additives, Power units…
oprema za bušenje
oprema za bušenje


Tvrtka Paparelli Alessandro e Figlio 50-ih godina prošlog stoljeća počinje proizvodnju cijevi i filtre za bunare. Paparelli danas otprema 35% svojih proizvoda na talijansko tržište, a preostalih 65% na europsko, azijsko, afričko i južnoameričko tržište.
Paparelli proizvodi sve što je potrebno za formiranje kolone: cijevi, spiralne filtre, mostićave filtre, jednostavne filtre i pribor (kao što su prsteni, prirubnice, redukcije, centralizeri, kape i sl.)
oprema za bušenje
Cijevi i filtri izrađuju se od lima debljine od 3 do 10 mm, minimalnog promjera 114 mm i materijala ugljičnog čelika (FE 37 – FE 52), crnog ili pocinčanog i nehrđajućeg čelika (304, 304L, 316, 316L).

Izbor materijala ovisi o konačnoj namjeni kolone (pitka voda, natapanje, desalinizacija, toplice i bazeni, industrija, istraživanje itd.), o geološkoj situaciji, o pogonskim uvjetima za bušenje, o kemijskoj agresivnosti vode i o pojavi korozije.
oprema za bušenje