OleumFlex brosura – engl – sa certifikatom.indd
We would like to recommend the use of precise cold-rolled seamless hydraulics pipes provided additional heat treatment so as to allow simpler, easier and safer bending, and we can offer a majority of the standard dimensions directly from our warehouse.
We offer steel seamless pipes (black or zinc-galvanised) in the qualities DIN 2391 C/DIN 2445 ST 37.4 (E235N) or ST 52.4 (E355N), and stainless steel seamless pipes in the qualities AISI 304, AISI 316, AISI 316L and AISI 316Ti. Other materials such as duplex or superduplex can be provided based on individual requests.
Provided pipe dimensions are from #4 x 0,75 mm to 273 x 6,0 mm and are delivered in standard lengths of 6 meters, protected, with the factory certificate of the manufacturer according to EN 10204.3.1 and the pressure test. Based on buyer requests, we can provide inspection or type approval certficates of Classification societies (DNV, BV, LR, GL, RINA, ABS, RMRS, CRS).

OleumFlex brosura – engl – sa certifikatom.indd
We can offer flanges according to the ASTM, ASME/ANSI B16.5, DIN, GOST, BS, UNI standards, straight or with a raised face (RF), fixed or swivel, made from wrought or cast iron and stainless steel.
We provide connections, screw or welded, made of either steel or stainless steel, specifically: short-radius bends 2D, long-radius bends 3D, T-T-pieces, T-reductions, caps, concentric and eccentric reductions, SADDLES.
We can deliver certificates from Classification societies, such as DNV, BV, LR, GL, RINA, ABS, RMRS, CRS, based on customer requests.

Application: chemical and petrochemical industry, refineries, cement plants, shipyards and other industrial complexes.

OleumFlex brosura – engl – sa certifikatom.indd
Hose or pipe clamps for pipelines for flexible or rigid installations is constructed in the standard, double, or severe conditions series, from either polypropylene (green or black), self fire-extinguishing polyamide, rubber (for severe vibrations) or aluminium.
The plate, screws, nuts and other equipment is constructed from galvanized steel or stainless steel AISI 304 or 316L.

From our complete offer of clamps for flexible and rigid pipes, we would like to points out ABA Nova and ABA Original, Robust, Safe, Twist III, Breeze Aero Seal, Norma GBS, Norma clamps for spiral pipes, Norma connect RFP and fire-resistant clamps.

bešavne cijevi



bešavne cijevi


Preporučujemo upotrebu preciznih hladno valjanih bešavnih cijevi za hidrauliku koje su dodatno termički obrađene kako bi se mogle jednostavnije, lakše i sigurnije savijati, a veliku većinu standardnih dimenzija nudimo izravno s našeg skladišta.
Čelične bešavne cijevi (crne ili pocinčane) nudimo u kvaliteti DIN 2391 C/DIN 2445 ST 37.4 (E235N) ili ST 52.4 (E355N), a bešavne cijevi od nehrđajućeg čelika u kvalitetama AISI 304, AISI 316, AISI 316L i AISI 316Ti. Ostali materijali poput duplexa ili superduplexa mogu se ponuditi prema posebnom zahtjevu kupca.
Dimenzije cijevi nude se u rasponu od #4 x 0,75 mm do 273 x 6,0 mm i isporučuju se u standardnim dužinama od 6 metara, zaštićene, s tvorničkim certifikatom proizvođača prema EN 10204.3.1 i tlačnom probom. Na poseban zahtjev kupaca osiguravamo inspekcijske ili tipske certifikate klasifikacijskih društava (DNV, BV, LR, GL, RINA, ABS, RMRS, CRS).

bešavne cijevi


U ponudi su prirubnice prema standardima ASTM, ASME/ANSI B16.5, DIN, GOST, BS, UNI, ravne ili s uzdignutom brtvenom površinom (RF), fiksne i okretne od kovanog ili lijevanog čelika i nehrđajućeg čelika.
Priključci, navojni ili zavarni, u ponudi su od čelika ili nehrđajućeg čelika, i to: koljena kratkog radijusa 2D, koljena dugog radijusa 3D, T-komadi, T-redukcije, kape, koncentrične i ekscentrične redukcije, sedla.
Uza svu robu, prema zahtjevu kupca, mogu se isporučiti i certifikati klasifikacijskih društava, kao: DNV, BV, LR, GL, RINA, ABS, RMRS, CRS.
Primjena: kemijska i petrokemijska industrija, rafinerije, cementare, brodogradilišta i drugi industrijski kompleksi.



Nosači cjevovoda za fleksibilne ili krute instalacije izrađuju se u standardnoj, dvostrukoj ili seriji za teške uvjete od polipropilena (zelene ili crne boje), samogasivog poliamida, gume (za uvjete velikih vibracija) ili aluminija.
Pločice, vijci, matice i ostali pribor izrađuju se od pocinčanog čelika ili nehrđajućeg čelika AISI 304 ili 316L.

Od kompletne palete obujmica za fleksibilne i krute cijevi izdvajamo ABA Nova i ABA Original, Robust, Safe, Twist III, Breeze Aero Seal, Norma GBS, Norma obujmice za spiralne cijevi, Norma connect RFP i vatrootporne.